In-vitro Experiments and Clinical Trials

As the in-vitro experiments and clinical trails show significant effectiveness of yagya for Pulmonary Tubeculosis treatment, and even on resistant cases, it appears that the overall mechanism of action of the products of yagya is different from the modern medicines.  Investigations into these possibilities would be a crucial research project in advanced therapeutic research in yagyopathy. 

Two experiments were conducted on some commonly found air-born microbes (including E.coli, Pseudomonas, Streptococci, and few Fungi strains).  The samples exposed to yagya for few minutes showed about 70% reduction in growth as compared to the control cultures of the same bacteria which were exposed for same time to a slum area away from the place of yagya.  

Several experiments were also conducted on samples from the sputum of patients who were diagnosed positive in the AFB (acid fast bacilli) test. These Mycobacteria (M. tubercular) were cultured on two sets of solid Lowerstein Jensen medium slant and liquid Kirchner medium. One set from each patient's sample was used as control and the other as experimental.  Yagya-output (medicinal vapors/gases/fumes) was passed in the experimental samples for about 35-40 minutes using SKC Air check 2000 air sampling pump and high flow vacuum pump. The latter was obtained from PCRI at BHEL Hardwar. The control samples were not treated with yagya. After incubation at 35-37oC for eight weeks, the growth in the sets treated with yagya-output was found to be about 75% less as compared to the control groups.  

In order to evaluate the pharmaceutical potentials of yagyopathy on humans, thorough clinical trial study was conducted on 15 patients (5 females and 10 males) of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the age group of 15-60 years. Seven of these were not taking any other medicines, while others were on some allopathic medicines - two of whom had become resistant to allopathic drugs. The allopathic drug-resistant cases included an (statistically) outlier case having the disease at advanced state with acute lung-fibrosis. 

The yagya experiment was performed in the yagyopathy lab Brahmvarchas Research Centre, Shantikunj, Hardwar using the anti-tubercular herbal preparation of Ayurvedic plant medicines. The yagya used to be performed for 30-45 minutes every day with repeated loud rhythmic chanting of the Gayatri Mantra during the process of ahutis and deep breathing for few minutes after the ahutis (sacrifices of measured quantity of herbal/plant medicinal preparations in the yagya-fire) were completed.  Duration of regular participation of a patient was about 35 to 75 days depending upon the clinical trials based on the sequential readings and statistical pattern of changes.  

The effects were tested by sequential readings (per 10 to 20 days as per the bio-statistical design) on different clinical physiological, microbiological, haematological, biochemical and pathological (including chest radiography) parameters of importance w.r.t. modern standards of diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis.

Similar kind of study was made on a control group of ten patients; all of whom were under allopathic medication. The control group was comparable with the experimental group (without the outlier) in terms of age-group, gender ratio, state of disease, locality etc, but no patient in this group participated in any yagya.  Sequential readings on the above parameters were taken in manner similar to those in the experimental group. However, the results on changes in the important symptoms and signs (including the pathological, radiological and pulmonary parameters) were neither clinically nor statistically significant.   

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