Pharmacakokinetic Evaluation

Physiological type compartment models for pharmacokinetic (PK) analysis of yagyopathy as a mode of pulmonary drug administration is also carried out. Its performance is compared with the oral and intravenous (i.v.) drug administration by theoretical (mathematical) analysis and computational simulations using relevant data (for PK parameters such as mass transfer rate constants, blood flow rates, etc) from empirical PK studies on adult Indians.  

The results show yagyopathy as remarkably better both in terms of residential time and drug availability at the site of action which in the case of Pulmonary Tuberculosis happens to be lungs.  It is also notable that the physiological compartment modelling, theoretical analysis and associated simulations here provide results on absolute (bio)availability rather than average estimators (as in empirical PK analysis).

While pharmacodynamic studies including controlled clinical trials in the patients are currently considered essential for testing the efficiency and safety, lung deposition data could bridge the desired link between the in-vitro results and the clinical trials   In-vitro experiments are also conducted for estimation of lung-deposition using the filter paper weights before and after exposure to yagya. The experiments were conducted using the SKC Air Sampler 2000 which allows only the respirable particles below 5 micron diameter to reach the filter-paper in its cassettes. The weights were measured at PCRI, BHEL Hardwar. Weights of ash remained after proper yagya with that of a yagya without havan samagri but with exactly the same type and weight of wood, ghee etc, were also recorded. Preliminary chemical analysis of the papers and that of the yagya ash were conducted respectively at PCRI, BHEL Hardwar and CPCB, Delhi.  

The model for analysis of yagyopathy is comprehensive as it also takes care of the relevant anatomical as well as physiological features for the parameters associated with the pulmonary functions and inhalation based drug administration via yagyopathy.  It also allows for using these estimates of parameters in individual patients. The simulation results using this model are compared with the real data on concentrations profiles on modern anti-tubercular drugs Isoniazid and Pyrazinamide. Here again the results of yagyopathy are superior in terms of bioavailability and residence time.  Similar was the case while the computational results of the yaygopathy model were compared with those of the inhalation drugs like flunisolide having minimal oral absorption (and hence found to most effective for inhalation therapy).

Residence time and pulmonary deposition parameters are important in determining pulmonary selectivity of a drug. The results show that these happen to be maximum in case of yagyopathy. Also, maximum deposition in the central region with lower availabilty in the alveolar region and minimal possibility of oral absorption show that most of the drug should be available for local activity in the lungs.

This pioneering scientific research shows significant scope of yagya-therapy.  Wider applications would include treatment of several other diseases - including cancer, as described in the scriptures.

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