Stage 3

In the next stage, the reality of Aham as an entity independent of the body and mind is discussed. Here it is necessary to understand that Aham described in this context is neither Ego nor Ahamkar-the Aham-Vritti (thought waves generated by Aham). The Random House

English Dictionary defines Ego as 'the 'I' or self of a person; a person as thinking, feeling, willing and distinguishing itself from selves of others and from objects of its thoughts.' In this way, the 'I` or 'self`' when referred to in the context of Ego is essentially related to the mind and body of a person.

Similarly, 'Ahamkar' is also one amongst the four faculties of the mind, namely Mun- Buddhi-Chitta-Ahamkar. On the contrary, the real Aham (Vastavik Aham or-Soul), eternally exists independent of the body and mind. Here, the words 'I', 'Aham', Inner-Self and, Real Self as synonyms of Atma or Soul. These are not to be misunderstood as referring to the Ego or Ahamkar. In other words, where the reader is being asked to speak or think in the first person 'I', unless it is specifically referred to the body or mind, it should be understood as the Soul of the person, expressing itself through speech or thought on behalf of the person.)

'Supreme beyond their objects are the senses; supreme over the senses is mind; supreme over the mind is the intelligent will; that which is supreme over the intelligent will, is He (the Purusha).' - Bhagwat Gita

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