Affirmations of this stage

• 'I' am the Master. Mind is an instrument for expression of My powers.
• 'I' am not the mind. 'I' am not dependent on the authority of the mind.
• 'I' am capable of separating the SELF from intellect, temperament, desires and all other faculties and activities of mind. Leaving all these aside, what is left, is 'I AM'
• 'I' am indestructible, eternal, immortal, ever -pure, immutable and undifferentiated.
• I AM. (Not 'I' am this or 'I' am that)

There is a general belief that mind is the cause of all downfalls in morality, that the mind puts a person in situations in which regressive traits grow like weeds and these traits keep him dragging from one adversity to another, thus making him perpetually unhappy. With the help of the foregoing contemplative exercises, the seeker would become free of such troubles, since he would have developed the faculties and competence which equip him with the confidence and capacity to steadfastly and calmly meet all challenges of life.

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