Become aware of Pure Aham

Aham is like an incessantly glittering jewel wrapped under several coverings of cloth (the coverings of the illusory worlds created by the magical mind). As the coverings are removed one by one, the filtered light becomes brighter and brighter. The inherent brilliance of the jewel remains undiminished irrespective of the number of coverings or no covering at all.

The sole purpose of going to this level of consciousness is to create the highest level of awareness of Aham, so that the seeker becomes convinced of the competence of the Soul for utilizing its instruments effectively. 

This understanding empowers the sadhak to take off the old, sullied, tattered clothes (regressive traits and illusions) and put on new, resplendent garments (noble, virtuous traits) and with their help carry out the assigned duties and responsibilities of life effectively - thus becoming a role  model for others to follow.

अपने सुझाव लिखे: