Signs of success

After attaining this level of perception through persistent practice, the seeker may be eager to know what remains to be experienced which is beyond Aham. Transcending Aham is the pure, ultimate, Immutable Super Soul (Vishuddha Atma) - the Almighty God, of which, the individual Soul is a spark.

The conviction of this Transcendental Being comes through personal realization. By separating the Aham from the body, the mind and everything else related to these, successively discarding ever subtler layers of ego-bound consciousness, the Seeker is ultimately left with the immortal, immutable Soul, beyond which, nothing remains to be discerned. 

The logic is simple. The thinker, the analyst, and the object being deliberated upon, or being analyzed, can never be one and the same. The Sun can never illuminate its own self. In the same manner, the Soul cannot be something to be deliberated upon, nor can it be a subject of analysis. 

At each moment of life your consciousness tells you that your Real-Self - 'I' is the thinker, the seer and the doer. This 'I', as we have already discussed, is neither your body nor your mind in its conscious, subconscious or unconscious states. It has to be some other independent entity, which remains ever vigilant, alert and awake irrespective of the state of the body or the mind. This is what we call Atma or Soul in spiritual parlance.

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