The Nature of true Aham

Now we shall endeavor to find how Ahamkar is differentiated from the Real 'I'. It necessitates examination of minute details. It is not so easy to differentiate between the true Aham and the egoistic knot of the subtle body (Sookshma Shareer), as it is to identify the outer and inner coverings of the Self. It would require a deeper level of perception and sensitivity. Even after having a perception that the subtle body exists independent of the physical matter composing the body, confusion persists about the nature of Aham because of its intimate relationship with the subtle body (Sookshma Shareer).

Most people believe that mind and Soul are one and the same. So, how is it possible to analyze the constituents of the physical body and the vague 'I' threadbare and find out the nature of the true Aham (i.e. Soul)?

This introspection you are going to do with the help of your own mind, teasing out of it the right answers to your queries. Mind is the bio-energy (Chetna) serving as the link between the body and Soul. 

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