Mundan Sanskar

Mundan (Tonsure ceremony) :-

The Mundan Sanskar (tonsure ceremony) of children - Eradication of beastly tendencies & sowing seeds. It is performed at the age between 1 and 3 years regardless of gender. Nowhere in our scriptures are mentioned the differences between a girl and a boy. In fact, the Vedas say, " Dash putra sama yasya shilvati soota ", meaning a moral girl is equivalent of ten boys. It aims at eradication of beastly tendencies and sowing seeds of cultural consciousness in the child. It is also performed for harmonious titillation of the nerves and proper development of the brain. It is said that birth hair carries undesirable ideas and traits from past birth. So they need to be removed and new ideas full of eminence should be grown in its place. Parents are given education that the success of life is in using our talents, capabilities, and intelligence to benefit the world. Please speak to one of us for performing  Mundan Sanskar .

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