Samadoshah Samagnishca Samadhatumala Kriyah

Samadoshah Samagnishca Samadhatumala Kriyah |Prasannatmendriyamanah Swastha Ityabhidhiyate

Meaning: Only that person is health y, whose doshas, dhatumal and agni (the basic elements and functional energy streams as per one’s natural constitution or prakati) are balanced and free from all defects and disorders and whose mind and soul are in perfect harmony. The above definition conveys the comprehensive and complete approach of the rishis who founded this great science of medicine and total health . Prakati Nidana the basis of diagnosis and treatment under Ayurveda describes one's natural constitution (prakrati) in terms of three basic functional elements or physical, mental and emotional energy patterns called the tridosha: namely, vata, pitta and kapha. In terms of the physique and physiological activities of the body, the modern research ers interpret vata as the energy of movement, pitta as the energy of digestion or metabolism and kapha as the energy of lubrication and structure. Harmonious balance of vata, pitta and kapha is regarded as the sign of normally health y state. Any disturbance, excess or deficiencies in any of these upsets the normal concentration of vital elements, and physiological and (bio) chemical reactions and functioning inside the body and therefore results in different kinds of diseases. For example, if the waste products inside the body are not discharged properly, these will cause harmful deposits and toxic effects. Ayurveda recommends disciplines in eating habits, sleep, and other phases of daily routine , etc, as per one’s prakati and the nature of the climate and the ambience one lives in. One of the major causes of generally bad health and mushrooming of diseases in the modern times is the haphazard and undisciplined life style adopted by most people today. If we care for natural maintenance of good health , it is worth paying heed to the tips provided under the teachings of Ayurveda . Let us first look at what is described as the ideal routine of the day according to Ayurveda . After getting up in Brahm-muhurta (about three hours before sunrise); five to ten minutes sadhana of contemplation on self-realization, paying respect to mother earth in the form of Namaskar, drinking substantial amount of water to fill the stomach for proper cleansing by excretion, cleaning the teeth, massaging the body with oil, morning walk, physical exercises (by suitable yoga sanas), bathing followed by jap a- sadhana with meditation, swadhyaya (study of enlightening books and scriptures) are the successive steps of the daily routine before having lunch. Getting up in the Brahm-muhurta is given significant importance in the scriptures for physical, mental and spiritual development .

- Akhand Jyoti (English), July-Aug 2003