Results of Research

In his study, Dr. Selvamurthy has observed neurophysiological effects of the
Mantras of a special kind of Agnihotra (described in the next section) which is
performed at the time of sunset. In this experimental study, 8 healthy men were
chosen as subjects. They use to report at 4 p.m. on two consecutive days. First day
for control recording when rituals of Agnihotra were performed but instead of
the prescribed Mantras, some irrelevant syllables were uttered at specific time
periods. Next day evening the Agnihotra used to be performed with proper
Mantras. Recording of physiological parameters viz. Heart rate, ECG, EEG, GSR,
blood pressure were made on both days.
The results showed that while the mind (brain waves) remained unaltered before
Agnihotra, significant changes occurred after the proper Agnihotra. These
included - (a) G.S.R. remained significantly higher due to proper Agnihotra; (b)
ECG showed DC shift in the base line; (c) EEG showed alpha enhancement and
delta suppression for more than 15 minutes.
In recent years, the science of medicine has begun to recognize the role of
psychology in prevention and cure of malady. ‘As the atmosphere, prana and
mind’ are inter linked, the individuals automatically experience relaxation, peace,
unburdening of the mind, loss of worries and stress in the Yagya atmosphere.
The increase in the level of Prana (vital energy) in the atmosphere when a Yagya
is performed - was also recorded with the help of Kirlian photographs of human
hands before and after Yagya in the experiments conducted by Dr. Matthias
Ferbinger of Germany.
The atmosphere surrounding the place where a Yagya is being performed and
the ash produced in the Kunda has been found useful in healing nervous system
disorders, asthma, heart diseases, lung infections, a wide variety of skin diseases
and the diseases of the eyes and ears. Analysis of ash has indicated that it contains
certain ingredients which soothe, pacify and tranquillize the mind.

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